CBSE Ruchira Bhag 1 –Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 10- कृषिकाः कर्मवीरा:– translation in Hindi (Hindi Anuvad), हिंदी अनुवाद, Hindi meaning, Hindi arth, Hindi summary, English Translation, and English Summary are provided here. That means, word meanings (शब्दार्थ:), अन्वयः, सरलार्थ, are given for the perfect explanation of Ruchira भाग 1 – Sanskrit Class 6 Chapter 10- कृषिकाः कर्मवीरा: |
दशमः पाठः
कृषिकाः कर्मवीरा:
Translation in Hindi & English (Meaning/Arth/Anuvad)
सूर्यस्तपतु मेघाः वा वर्षन्तु विपुलं जलम्।
कृषिका कृषिको नित्यं शीतकालेऽपि कर्मठौ ॥1॥
सरलार्थ – सूरज तपे, चाहे अत्यधिक बादल बरसे। किसान और महिला-किसान ठण्ड के समय भी काम करते हैं।
English Translation – The sun kept hot or it rained, farmers and female farmers are employed even during the winter.
ग्रीष्मे शरीरं सस्वेदं शीते कम्पमयं सदा।
हलेन च कुदालेन तौ तु क्षेत्राणि कर्षतः ॥2॥
सरलार्थ – गर्मी में शरीर पसीना से भरा हुआ, सर्दी में हमेशा कापता हुआ, फिरभी वे दोनों (पति-पत्नी) हल से और कुदाल से खेत जोतते हैं।
English Translation – Despite sweating profusely in the summer and shivering in the winter, both of them (husband and wife) plough the field with a plough and a spade.
पादयोर्न पदत्राणे शरीरे वसनानि नो ।
निर्धनं जीवनं कष्टं सुखं दूरे हि तिष्ठति ॥3॥
सरलार्थ – पैरों में न जूते हैं, न शरीर पर वस्त्र। जीवन निर्धन और कष्टमय है। सुख दूर ही रहता है।
English Translation –There are no shoes on the feet, nor clothes on the body. Life is poor and painful. Happiness is still a long way off.
गृहं जीर्ण न वर्षासु वृष्टिं वारयितुं क्षमम्।।
तथापि कर्मवीरत्वं कृषिकाणां न नश्यति ।।4।।
सरलार्थ – घर पुराना है, (इसलिए) वर्षा में बारिश को रोक पाने में समर्थ नहीं है। फिर भी महिला किसानों की परिश्रम की भावना नाश नहीं होती है।
English Translation – Rain cannot be kept out of the house because of the age of the structure. The spirit of hard work of women farmers, however, is not destroyed.
तयो: श्रमेण क्षेत्राणि सस्यपूर्णानि सर्वदा ।
धरित्री सरसा जाता या शुष्का कण्टकावृता ।।5।।
सरलार्थ – उनके परिश्रम से ही खेत फसल से भरे रहते हैं। जो धरती सूखी और कांटों से भरी है, वह धरती सरस हो गई।
English Translation – Due to their hard work, the fields are full of crops. The earth, which had been dry and thorny, turned green.
शाकमत्रं फलं दुग्धं दत्त्वा सर्वेभ्य एव तौ।
क्षुधा-तृपाकुलौ नित्यं विचित्रौ जन-पालकौ ।।6।।
सरलार्थ – वे दोनों सभी के लिए सब्जी, अन्न, फल, दूध, देकर (वे) अजीब जनपालक (लोगों का पोषण करने वाला) रोज़ (खुद) भूख और प्यास से व्याकुल रहते हैं।
English Translation – By giving vegetables, grains, fruits, milk, those strange farmers themselves are distraught with hunger and thirst.
I deeply salute the farmers who feed us.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Ruchira Bhag 1 + Hindi & English Translation of Sanskrit Class 6 – Click below
Sanskrit Grammar Class 6
This helped a lot for Sanskrit exams
Nice website for Sanskrit
St*pid BTS
Awesome Website
Very nice website for Sanskrit
BTS is nothing front of your father mother
yes that is right you are right
BTS is nothing
Nice Website😒😏🖕🏻
haa sahi hai
Ye mere exams me kam aaye hai Thank you so you 👍👍👍
Do you know BTS
This is good website yrr
Awesome Website
Bro what the hell boi
it helps me in my exam as i haven’t written anything in online classes
salute to the farmers
Aayusmaan and IDK can you tell me how much is 5 minus 5 it is 0 right so that is the amount of how much we care about your opinion
.u are too sav*ge like suga ..
btw i m also a Army..
yeah and if we call u ugly , how will you feel huh?anyways no need to waste my precious time on some shi**y things……ya’ll better study haTeRs and the fandom and relationship between Armys and BTS is way more stronger than you nd your girlfriends
nice it help me in my sanskrit paper thankyou so much
when are Quiz and video lecturs starting Mr.MarkToss
😀✌️Actually, I am the single person to manage these all, so it will take time. Bcz I have to write the translation of Class 8, Class 10 also. Without quiz and video, you can survive, but they can survive because there is no translation done yet of many chapters.
Hope you understand my problem.
APKO KITNE RUPEES MILTE H ye sab hindi website pr dalne ke
एक रुपया
nice it help me in my sanskrit paper thank you so much
Hello sir mam bahut aacha laga mere didi ji ne bhi yahi padya he or aap ne bhi yai muche bahut aacha laga
Bro nice it help me so much
Good Translation 👌🏻
I love BTS. Same a pure Indian
I am also bts army 💜💜💜
I am an army but that doesn’t mean I won’t support other groups and u should support every group u can’t curse them for no reason blackpink bts are equal and u r not a real army if u don’t support others except bts so u r not a real army. hope u understand.
your point is very true but this is not an appropriate platform to talk about a k p*p group.
Op well done l have done by work.🎉🎉👌👌🤗🤗
What is Bts Army stupid things this is 😡😡😡😡
Bts is Wo*st G*ng
just sh*t up bts is the best
I don’t shut up I grow up and when I look at you i throw up
Hi, I can’t print can you allow to print
NGL* And tbh it help me
It’s very useful I read this and I passed my Sanskrit Test 😁😁😁😁😁😄😃😀
nice website
Nice 😊
By guys..
I am also a bts army ⟬⟭💜 …..
Hey, I’m also 💜ᗷTS⟭ Army
wow I am like your answer I love this
chapter 🥰🥰😇😇😇😇😇🥰🥰🥰😚😚😚😍😍🥰😙🥲
Very nice hindi translation but just correct 2 paragraph of English translation. It is same as first paragraph English translation.
Issue fixed.
No 😯
Ans:- do you know the BTS army
Yesss!!!! I am a bts army
Yes I’m indian
Hi __________________________________________________________________________________my name is Disha Kumari koli.
Now fill the blank space, guys.
Ans:- Hi guys, Hi ladies uuuuuummmmmmmmma
Thank you for Explanation
So beautiful
Very nice website
Very nice
WHAT THE _______________________________ IT IS AARAV PANSURIYA
Very useful
This is very good our sir understand we
more than this
Vey good
its very good solutions for class 6
Very nice
I Love you
Very bad
How ‼️‼️‼️