CBSE Ruchira Bhag 1 –Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 9- क्रीडास्पर्धा: – translation in Hindi (Hindi Anuvad), हिंदी अनुवाद, Hindi meaning, Hindi arth, Hindi summary, English Translation, and English Summary are provided here. That means, word meanings (शब्दार्थ:), अन्वयः, सरलार्थ, are given for the perfect explanation of Ruchira भाग 1 – Sanskrit Class 6 Chapter 9- क्रीडास्पर्धा: |
नवमः पाठः
Translation in Hindi & English (Meaning/Arth/Anuvad)
हुमा – यूयं कुत्र गच्छथ?
इन्दरः – वयं विद्यालयं गच्छामः।
फेकन: – तत्र क्रीडास्पर्धा: सन्ति। वयं खेलिष्याम:।
रामचरणः – किं स्पर्धा: केवलं बालकेभ्यः एव सन्ति?
प्रसन्ना – नहि, बालिका: अपि खेलिष्यन्ति।
रामचरणः – किं यूयं सर्वे एकस्मिन् दले स्थ? अथवा पृथक्-पृथक् दले?
प्रसन्ना – तत्र बालिकाः बालका: च मिलित्वा खेलिष्यन्ति।
फेकन: -आम्, बैडमिंटन-क्रीडायां मम सहभागिनी जूली अस्ति।
Hindi Translation:
हुमा – तुमलोग कहाँ जा रहे हैं?
इन्दरः – हमलोग स्कूल जा रहे हैं।
फेकन: – वहाँ खेल-कूद की प्रतियोगिताएं हैं। हमलोग खेलेंगे।
रामचरणः – क्या (ये) प्रतियोगिताएं सिर्फ लड़कों के लिए ही हैं?
प्रसन्ना – नहीं, लड़कियाँ भी खेलेंगी।
रामचरणः – क्या तुम (बहुवचन) सभी एक दल में हो? या अलग-अलग दल में?
प्रसन्ना – वहाँ लड़कियाँ और लड़के मिलकर खेलेंगे।
फेकन: -हां, ‘बैडमिंटन’ खेल में मेरी साथी जूली है।
English Translation:
Huma – Where are you going?
Indra – We are going to school.
Fekan – There are sports competitions. We will play.
Ramcharan – Are these competitions only for boys?
Prasanna – No, girls will also play.
Ramcharan – Are you all in a team? Or in different teams?
Prasanna – Girls and boys will play together there.
Fekan -Yes, Julie is my partner in the game of ‘badminton.’
प्रसन्ना – एतद् अतिरिक्तं कबड्डी, नियुद्धं, क्रिकेटं, पादकन्दुकं, हस्तकन्दुकं, चतुरङ्गः इत्यादय: स्पर्धा: भविष्यन्ति।
इन्दरः -हुमे! किं त्वं न क्रीडसि? तव भगिनी तु मम पक्षे क्रीडति । हुमा – नहि, मह्यं चलचित्रं रोचते। परम् अत्र अहं दर्शकरूपेण स्थास्यामि।
फेकन: – अहो! पूरन: कुत्र अस्ति? किं सः कस्यामपि स्पर्धायां प्रतिभागी नास्ति?
Hindi Translation
प्रसन्ना – इसके अलावा कबड्डी, जूडो, क्रिकेट, फुटबॉल, वॉलीबॉल, चैस इत्यादि प्रतियोगिताएं होंगी।
इन्दरः –हुमा!, क्या तुम नहीं खेल रही हो? तुम्हारी बहन तो मेरे पक्ष में खेलती है।
हुमा – नहीं, मुझे सिनेमा अच्छा लगता है। लेकिन यहाँ मैं दर्शक के रूप में रहूंगी।
फेकन: – अरे! पूरन कहाँ है? क्या वह किसी भी प्रतियोगिता में प्रतिभागी नहीं है?
English Translation:
Prasanna – Apart from this, there will be competitions like Kabaddi, Judo, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Chess, etc.
Indra –Huma!, aren’t you playing? Your sister plays in my favor.
Huma – No, I like cinema. But here I will be as an audience.
Fekan – Hey! Where is Pooran? Is he not a participant in any competition?
रामचरणः – स: द्रष्टुं न शक्नोति। तस्मै अस्माकं विद्यालये पठनाय तु विशेषव्यवस्था वर्तते। परं क्रीडायै प्रबन्ध: नास्ति।
हुमा – अयं कथमपि न न्यायसङ्गतः। पूरनः सक्षमः, परं प्रबन्धस्य
अभावात् क्रीडितुं न शक्नोति।
इन्दरः – अस्माकं तादृशानि अनेकानि मित्राणि सन्ति। वस्तुत: तानि अन्यथासमर्थानि।
फेकनः – अत: वयं सर्वे प्राचार्यं मिलाम:। तं कथयाम:। शीघ्रमेव तेषां कृते व्यवस्था भविष्यति।
Hindi Translation
रामचरणः – वह देख नहीं सकता। उसके लिए हमारे विद्यालय में पढ़ने के लिए तो विशेष व्यवस्था है, लेकिन खेलने के लिए प्रबंध नहीं है।
हुमा – यह किसी प्रकार भी उचित नहीं है। पूरन सक्षम है लेकिन प्रबन्ध के अभाव में खेल नहीं सकता।
इन्दरः – हमारे वैसे बहुत दोस्त हैं। वास्तव में वे अन्य प्रकार से योग्य है (दिव्यांग)।
फेकनः – इसलिए हम सभी प्राचार्य को मिलेंगे। उनसे कहते हैं। जल्द ही उनके लिए व्यवस्था हो जाएगी।
English Translation
Ramcharan – He cannot see. There is a special arrangement for him to study in our school, but there is no arrangement for playing.
Huma -This is not fair in any way. Pooran is capable but cannot play due to the lack of management.
Indra – We have many friends like that. In fact, he is qualified in other ways (People with disabilities).
Fekan – Therefore, we will meet the Principal. Say to them. Soon arrangements will be made for them.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Ruchira Bhag 1 + Hindi & English Translation of Sanskrit Class 6 – Click below
Sanskrit Grammar Class 6
very helpful thank u maketoss
This translation is very very good and useful
So good website
Good day😊
I like this website lt is helpful in my final exam
studuys 😀😀
So good
Its very good but the language must be more clear
Very helpful Thanks for it
Very easy for leanring
Awesome Website for Sanskrit
Thank You
Hey you
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maketoss, thank you very much
maketoss thanks
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You done my home work thanks you cannot give us so my mam don’t me thank you
Thank youb
Thanks 👍👍👍👍👍
Very good👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks a lot It helped me for my examination
Right 👍😌
It was very helpful thank you 🕴🏿
Very good
Too good for exams preparation.
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Good Keep it up {This is not by any worker of this website }
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Thanks for share this website.
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Tu kya karega owner ka naam arti utaraga
Yess 😂
That is so much useful and helpful
Ya it’s really good👍 it’s helpful because it’s hindi anuwad helps in hw and English translation is helpful for understanding
Very much good whoes sanskriti is week
Ya but mine is ok 🙂
Thank you so much
So helpfull
Because of this now i’m the best student in my class
My ma’am says to read and tell the meaning of each word too..
Tysm again….
It so good
Same here
Same here😜😜
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Thank you so much
So helpfull
Because of this now i’m the best student in my class
My ma’am says to read and tell the meaning of each word too..
Tysm again
are u Esha Sharma
from KV Sunderbani
No but i am from kv
Very good and thank you
are you esha singh of class 6G apsdk
Thank you very much 😊☺🙏🏻😀🙂😄😊☺🙏🏻😀🙂😄😊☺🙏🏻😀🙂😄😊☺
very helpful thanks
That is so good 😚😚😁