CBSE Ruchira Bhag 2- Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 9- अहमपि विद्यालयं गमिष्यामि– translation in Hindi (Hindi Anuvad), हिंदी अनुवाद, Hindi meaning, Hindi arth, Hindi summary, English Translation, and English Summary are provided here. That Means, word meanings (शब्दार्थ:), अन्वयः, सरलार्थ, are given for the perfect explanation of Ruchira भाग 2- Sanskrit Class 7 Chapter 9- अहमपि विद्यालयं गमिष्यामि।
Translation in Hindi & English (Anuvad)
नवमः पाठः
अहमपि विद्यालयं गमिष्यामि
मैं भी स्कूल जाऊंगी
मालिनी – (प्रतिवेशिनीं प्रति) गिरिजे! मम पुत्र: मातुलगृहं प्रति प्रस्थित: काचिद् अन्यां कामपि महिला कार्यार्थं जानासि तर्हि प्रेषय।
गिरिजा – आम् सखि! अद्य प्रात: एव मम सहायिका स्वसुतायाः कृते कर्मार्थं पृच्छति स्म। श्व: प्रात: एव तया सह वार्तां करिष्यामि।
(अग्रिमदिने प्रातः काले षट्वादने एव मालिन्याः गृहघण्टिका आगन्तारं कमपि सूचयति मालिनी द्वारमुदघाटयति पश्यति यत् गिरिजाया: सेविकया दर्शनया सह एका अष्टवर्षदेशीय, बालिका तिष्ठति)।
Hindi Translation
मालिनी – (बगलवाले के प्रति) गिरिजा! मेरा पुत्र मामाघर गया है, कोई दूसरी अन्य महिला काम जानती हो तो (मुझसे) कहना।
गिरिजा – हां सखी, आज सुबह ही मेरी सहायिका अपनी पुत्री के लिए काम के लिए पूछ रही थी। कल सुबह ही उसके साथ बात करुँगी। अगले दिन सुबह के समय छ: बजे ही मालिनी के घर की घंटी किसी आनेवाले की सूचना देती है। मालिनी द्वार खोलती है देखती है कि गिरिजा की सेविका दर्शना के साथ एक लगभग आठ वर्ष की लड़की खड़ी है।
English Translation
Malini – (to the neighbor) ‘Girija’! My son has gone to his maternal uncle’s house, if any other woman knows the work then tell (me).
Girija – Yes friend, this morning my assistant was asking for work for her daughter. Will talk to her tomorrow morning only. The next day at six in the morning, the bell of Malini’s house informs about someone coming. Malini opens the door and sees a girl of about eight years standing with Darshana, Girija’s maidservant.
दर्शना – महोदये! भवती कार्यार्थं गिरिजामहोदयां पृच्छति स्म कृपया मम सुतायै अवसरं प्रदाय अनुगृह्णातु भवती।
मालिनी – परमेषा तु अल्पवयस्का प्रतीयते। किं कार्यं करिष्यत्येषा? अयं तु अस्याः अध्ययनस्य क्रीडनस्य च कालः।
Hindi Translation
दर्शना – मैडम! आप काम के लिए गिरिजा मैडम से पूछी थीं, कृपया मेरी बेटी के लिए अवसर को प्रदान करके हमें अनुगृहीत करें।
मालिनी – लेकिन ये तो कम उम्र की लगती है। क्या काम करेगी? यह तो इसके पढ़ने का और खेलने का समय है।
English Translation
Darshana – Madam! You had asked Girija madam for a maid, please favor us by providing the opportunity for my daughter.
Malini – But she looks young. Could she work? It’s time for her to read and play.
दर्शना – एषा एकस्य गृहस्य संपूर्ण कार्यं करोति स्म। सः परिवारः अधुना विदेशं प्रति प्रस्थित:। कार्याभावे अहमेतस्यै कार्यमेवान्वेषयामि स्म येन भवत्सदृशानां कार्यं प्रचलेत् अस्मद्सदृशानां गृहसञ्चालनाय च धनस्य व्यवस्था भवेत्।
Hindi Translation
दर्शना – ये एक घर का सारा काम करती थी। वह परिवार अब विदेश चला गया है। काम के अभाव में मैं इसके लिए काम ढूंढ रही थी, जिससे आप जैसों का काम चल सके और हम जैसों का घर चलाने के लिए धन की व्यवस्था हो जाए।
English Translation
Darshana – She used to do all the work of a house. That family has now gone abroad. In the absence of work, I was looking for work for her, so that the work of people like you can go on and money can be arranged for running the house like us.
मालिनी – परमेतत्तु सर्वथाऽनुचितम्। किं न जानासि यत् शिक्षा तु सर्वेषां बालकानां सर्वासां बालिकानां च मौलिकः अधिकारः।
दर्शना – महोदये! अस्मद् सदृशानां तु मौलिका: अधिकारा: केवलं स्वोदरपूर्ति-रेवास्ति। एतस्य व्यवस्थायै एव अहं सर्वस्मिन् दिने पञ्च-षड्गृहाणां कार्यं करोमि। मम रुग्णः पति: तु किञ्चिदपि कार्यं न करोति। अत: अहं मम पुत्री च मिलित्वा परिवारस्य भरण-पोषणं कुर्वः। अस्मिन् महार्घताकाले मूलभूतावश्यकतानां कृते एव धनं पर्याप्त न भवति तर्हि कथं विद्यालयशुल्कं, गणवेषं पुस्तकान्यादीनि क्रेतुं धनमानेष्यामि।
Hindi Translation
मालिनी – लेकिन यह तो सभी प्रकार से गलत है। क्या नहीं जानती हो कि शिक्षा तो सभी बच्चों का और सभी बच्चियों का मौलिक अधिकार है?
दर्शना – मैडम! हम जैसों का मौलिक अधिकार तो सिर्फ पेट भरना (ही) है। इसके व्यवस्था के लिए ही पूरे दिन में पाँच-छः घरों का काम करती हूँ। मेरा बीमार पति तो कुछ भी काम नहीं करता है। इसलिए मैं और मेरी पुत्री मिलकर परिवार का भरण-पोषण करते हैं। इस महंगाई के समय में मूलभूत आवश्यकताओं के लिए ही धन पर्याप्त नहीं होता है। तो विद्यालय शुल्क, ड्रेस, किताब आदि खरीदने के लिए धन कैसे लाऊंगी?
English Translation
Malini – But this is wrong in every way. Don’t you know that education is the fundamental right of all boys and girls?
Darshana – Madam! People like us have only one fundamental right: to eat and survive. For its arrangement, I do the work of five-six houses in the whole day. My sick husband does not do any work. That’s why I and my daughter together take care of the family. In this time of inflation, money is not sufficient for even basic needs. So how will I get money to buy school fees, dresses, books, etc.?
मालिनी – अहो! अज्ञानं भवत्या:। किं न जानासि यत् नवोत्तर-द्वि-सहस्र (2009) तमे वर्षे सर्वकारेण सर्वेषां बालकानां, सर्वासां बालानां कृते शिक्षायाः मौलिकाधिकारस्य घोषणा कृता । यदनुसारं षड्वर्षेभ्यः आरभ्य चतुदर्शवर्षपर्यन्तं सर्वे बालाः समीपस्थं सर्वकारीयं विद्यालयं प्राप्य न केवलं नि:शुल्कं शिक्षामेव प्राप्स्यन्ति अपितु निःशुल्कं गणवेषं पुस्तकानि,
पुस्तकस्यूतम्, पादत्राणम्, माध्याह्नभोजनम्, छात्रवृत्तिम् इत्यादिकं सर्वमेव प्राप्स्यन्ति।
दर्शना – अप्येवम् (आश्चर्येण मालिनी पश्यति)
मालिनी -आम्। वस्तुतः एवमेव।
दर्शना – (कृतार्थतां प्रकटयन्ती) अनुगृहीताऽस्मि महोदये! एतद् बोधनाय। अहम् अद्यैवास्याः प्रवेशं समीपस्थे विद्यालये कारयिष्यामि ।
दर्शनायाः – पुत्री- (उल्लासेन सह) अहं विद्यालयं गमिष्यामि! अहमपि पठिष्यामि! (इत्युक्त्वा
करतलवादनसहितं नृत्यति मालिनीं प्रति च कृतज्ञतां ज्ञापयति)
Hindi Translation
मालिनी – क्या तुम नहीं जानती हो कि सरकार के द्वारा सन २००९ में सभी लड़कों और सभी लड़कियों के लिए शिक्षा का मौलिक अधिकार की घोषणा की है जिसके अनुसार छ: वर्ष से लेकर चौदह वर्ष तक के सभी बच्चे नजदीकी सरकारी विद्यालय में न सिर्फ निःशुल्क शिक्षा प्राप्त करेंगे अपितु निःशुल्क ड्रेस, किताबें, किताबों की थैली, जूते, दोपहर का भोजन, छात्रवृति (scholarship) इत्यादि सब ही प्राप्त करेंगे।
दर्शना – क्या ऐसा है? (आश्चर्य से मालिनी को देखती है)
मालिनी – हाँ। असल में ऐसा ही है।
दर्शना – (कृतार्थता/धन्यता प्रकट करती हुई) अनुगृहीत हूँ मैडम! यह समझाने के लिए। मैं आज ही इसका प्रवेश नजदीकी स्कूल में करवाऊंगी।
दर्शना की पुत्री – (खुशी से) मैं स्कूल जाऊँगी! मैं भी पढूंगी! (ऐसा कहकर ताली बजाने के साथ डांस करती है और मालिनी के प्रति कृतज्ञता प्रकट करती है)
English Translation
Malini – Don’t you know that in the year 2009 the government declared the fundamental right of education for all boys and all girls, according to which all the children from the age of six to fourteen years will not only get free education in the nearest government school but will also get free dresses, books, book bag, shoes, midday meal, scholarship, etc.
Darshan – Is it so? (looks at Malini with surprise)
Malini – Yes. Actually, it is like that.
Darshana – (expressing gratitude) I am grateful, madam! for explaining it. I will get her admitted to the nearest school today.
Darshana’s daughter – (joyfully) I will go to school! I will read it too! (Saying this she dances with clapping and shows her gratitude to Malini)
Sanskrit Grammar Class 7
Thanks fou this well translation
Elegant translation
Nice translation
Very good translation 😘
Thanks to give this translation. I was very hard condition because my holidays was finish and I was not complete my work I can help Google but I search this in very very long time but the Google was not show me the answer I go back the Google and search only one time and I found make toss com and I was very happy because I was complete my work in with second thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much sir
Do you play —-
Thnku best website
Thanks for this translation! It helped me overcome my fear of Sanskrit 🙂
Love ur website ,
the translation was very good for hindi. Although the english could be a little polished. it is understandable which is great but a little improvement is all it takes. Thank you maketoss for this amazing translation! i usually do not understand my teacher’s explanation but this has helped me in a lot of ways. Keep up the good work!!!
From which School
This is very helpful for me because my sanskrit exam is held tomorrow. So thank you very much.
It make very easy to learn the chapter by understanding so thankyou ☺️
Hello, This is Mukti. This site is very useful it helped me to score 9/10 where I was expecting for 5/10 and this also very easy to understand I also expect for visheshan in sanskrit. 🙏🙏THANKS🙏🙏
Very Helpful keep it up 👆🥳🥳
Good 👍👍😊😊😊😊😊😊 and thank you for anuvad
This is very helpful for me but you have done some mistakes in sentences
Thank you very much
This is best i ever see 🙂😊🙂😊
My name is abhinoor from public school class 7th
This app is very helpful for me I am in 7 class
I am also in 7 class
Thanks! for this hindi translation. ☺
Pls shorten the meaning
mast website
What the! You are on this website.
Very good website
Hey guys ☺️💕
Thanks sir
super helpful as its like a quick revision for students who studied the chapter earlier but actually forgot the storyline because of the language. hindi translated story helps us recall!!!!!!
very nice for class 7 student because everyone or sanskrit student wants hindi of sanskrit
Gud jojojo! aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
It is very useful I am poor in Sanskrit once again thank you
Nice Website
Not that bad cool down man
Sanskrit hamari sudh bhasa he agar Iske bare me kuch bola to kat ke rakh dunga
Murkh logo ke liye kathin bhasa he mere bhai i understand bro
Nice website
tu gay h kya?
Cool 😎 down man
It was very helpful
Yeah, very nice
Thank You for this translation this helped me to understand Sanskrit effortlessly. 😊😊
I love this website
Thanks it is a great work for a 7 class children whos sanskrit is not so good
It was very helpful
Why bad
hi. BTS
army, everywhere, still can’t believe!
I also.
Hi, armlink here
Yes yes
Thanks sir
Very very nice
Thank you
Thanks 😀
this app is very helpful and is story se hume motivatoinal milta hai ki jin baccho ke pass book buy karne ke pass money tak nahi
Hello disha
Uttam atti uttam
Very bad
very intresting and motivational story
Nice app
So much thank you.👧🙏🙏
thank you
Very Good
Hi, what is your full name
O hlo
bhi ya shi ha phala sa to bus pdf ka options dada
Why bad?
Thank you it was really helpful and please add some exercises too.
exercise nahi add karunga
But why sir
Thanks it help me in homwork
Hi, my name is same moon 😊
you can find exercises on the website too. just get out of this page and there will be NCERT solutions too.
Very good website
Shreya my sister is you
Shreya is my sister
Sh** nub
You do very nice by not writing on notebook now I can read easily and understand thank you
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please add some exercises
It was so much helpful….
But I didn’t like the fact that we can’t download it ………….🤗🤗🤗
Take screenshot
Very nice
It was very helpful for me. Thanks !!!
वेरी हेल्पफुल फॉर मी
थैंक्स फॉर ईट
सो मच थैंक्स
Nice but not tooooooomuch
Good excellent keep it up 😌👍🏻😌👍🏻
Very helpfull
Are you from class 7
do u know harshit
Note book work and grammer
This was very helpful
I am from class 7 a student
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