CBSE Ruchira भाग 1 Sanskrit Class 6 Chapter 2 – शब्दपरिचय: 2 – NCERT Exercise Solutions ( Question-Answer) is provided here. A total of 8 questions is in this exercise. All are solved here.
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NCERT Exercise Solutions

make toss thankkkk you so much
today is our sanskrit paper i have learrned from here
Thanks MAKETOSS you literally saved my life!!!!!
One day I was just scrolling down my WhatsApp then suddenly my Sanskrit teacher told me that you have to submit your copies at the last moment.I was really worried 😦 that now what would I tell my teacher that I hadn’t did my 3 chapters then in class room I didn’t found my work then I came to internet a searched Sanskrit ch-3,4,5 translation in Hindi.
Then I saw MAKETOSS and was really happy 😊 that now I can complete my work.
Then I completed my work and send the copy to my teacher 👩🏻🏫
Thanks MAKETOSS for saving my life!!! 🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊
Thank you for spending your valuable time on us