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Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 11 – पुष्पोत्सवः- Hindi Translation & English Translation

CBSE Ruchira Bhag 1 –Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 11 – पुष्पोत्सवः – translation in Hindi (Hindi Anuvad), हिंदी अनुवाद, Hindi meaning, Hindi arth, Hindi summary, English Translation, and English Summary are provided here. That means, word meanings (शब्दार्थ:), अन्वयः, सरलार्थ, are given for the perfect explanation of Ruchira भाग 1 – Sanskrit Class 6 Chapter 11 – पुष्पोत्सवः |

एकादशः पाठः
(फूलों का उत्सव)

Translation in Hindi & English (Meaning/Arth/Anuvad)

उत्सवप्रिय: भारतदेश:। अत्र कुत्रचित् शस्योत्सव: भवति, कुत्रचित् पशूत्सवः भवति, कुत्रचित् धार्मिकोत्सवः भवति कुत्रचित् च यानोत्सवः। एतेषु एव अस्ति अन्यतमः पुष्पोत्सवः इति। अयं फूलवालों की सैर’ इति नाम्ना प्रसिद्धः अस्ति।

सरलार्थ: भारत देश उत्सव प्रिय देश है यहाँ कहीं फसलों का उत्सव होता है, कहीं पशुओं का उत्सव होता है, कहीं धार्मिक उत्सव होता है और कहीं गाड़ियों का उत्सव होता है इनमें से पुष्पों का उत्सव ही प्रमुख है यह ‘फूलवालों की सैर’ नाम से प्रसिद्ध है

English Translation: India is a country of festivals. Crop festivals are celebrated somewhere, animal festivals are celebrated somewhere, religious festivals are celebrated somewhere, and vehicle festivals are celebrated somewhere. Of these, the celebration of flowers is the main one. It is famous by the name of ‘florists’ tour’.

In other words: India is a land of festivals. Crop festivals, animal festivals, religious festivals, and vehicle festivals all take place somewhere. The main one is the flower festival. It is known as the ‘florists’ tour.’

देहल्या: मेहरौलीक्षेत्रे ऑक्टोबर्मासे अस्य आयोजनं भवति । अस्मिन् अवसरे तत्र बहुविधानि पुष्पाणि दृश्यन्ते। परं प्रमुखम् आकर्षणं तु अस्ति पुष्पनिर्मितानि व्यजनानि। जना: एतानि पुष्पव्यजनानि योगमायामन्दिरे बख्तियारकाकी इत्यस्य समाधिस्थले च अर्पयन्ति ।

सरलार्थ: दिल्ली के मेहरौली क्षेत्र में अक्टूबर महीने में इसका आयोजन होता है। इस अवसर पर वहाँ अनेक प्रकार के फूल दिखाई देते हैं। लेकिन फूलों से बने हुए पंखे तो प्रमुख आकर्षण हैं। लोग इन फूलों के पंखों को योगमाया मंदिर में और बख्तियारकाकी की समाधि स्थल पर अर्पित करते हैं।

English Translation: It is held in the Mehrauli neighbourhood of Delhi in October. Many types of flowers are seen on this occasion. But fans made of flowers are the main attraction. People offer these flowers fans to the Yogmaya temple and to the mausoleum site of Bakhtiyarkaki.

केचन पाटलपुषपैः निर्मितानि, केचन कर्णिकारपुष्पैः, अन्ये जपाकुसुमैः, अपरे मल्लिकापुष्पः, इतरे च गेन्दापुष्मैः निर्मितानि व्यजनानि नयन्ति। अयम् उत्सवः दिवसत्रयं यावत् प्रचलति। एतेषु दिवसेषु पतङ्गानाम् उड्डयनम्, विविधा: क्रीडा: मल्लयुद्धं चापि प्रचलति।

सरलार्थ: कुछ गुलाब के फूलों से निर्मित, कुछ कनेर के फूलों से, अन्य गुड़हल के फूलों से, दूसरे चमेली के फूलों से, और कोई गेंदे के फूलों से पंखें ले जाते हैं। यह उत्सव तीन दिन तक चलता है। इन दिनों में पतंगों का उड़ाना, अनेक खेल और कुश्ती भी चलती है।

English Translation: Some are made from rose flowers, others from Oleander flowers, still others from hibiscus flowers, still others from jasmine flowers, and still others from marigold flowers. This festival lasts for three days. These days, flying kites, many sports, and wrestling also go on.

विगतेभ्यः द्विशतवर्षेभ्यः पुष्पोत्सवः जनान् आनन्दयति। मध्ये इयं परम्परा स्थगिता आसीत्। परं स्वतन्त्रताप्राप्ते: पश्चात् इयं मनोहारिणी परम्परा पुन: समारब्धा। पुष्पोत्सवः अद्यापि सोल्लासं सोत्साहं च प्रचलति।

सरलार्थ: विगत दो सौ वर्षों से पुष्पोत्सव लोगों को आनंद देता आ रहा है। बीच में यह परंपरा स्थगित थी। लेकिन स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के पश्चात यह मनोहारिणी (मन को हर लेने वाली/सुन्दर) परम्परा पुनः प्रारम्भ हो गई। आज भी पुष्पोत्सव उल्लास पूर्वक और उत्साह पूर्वक चलता है।

English Translation: For the last two hundred years, the Festival of flowers has been giving pleasure to the people. This tradition was postponed in between. But this beautiful tradition started again after attaining independence. Even today, the festival of flowers goes on with gaiety and enthusiasm.


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39 thoughts on “Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 11 – पुष्पोत्सवः- Hindi Translation & English Translation”

  1. Hi bts haters let me tell something if you want to be a kpop artist first a lot of money used for dance classes people need loans for them I mean heavy loans and you have to travel to many different places then a really bad diet to keep you fit and sick then ones you start collecting money you just spend it on loans this is the life of kpop idols just for entertain us


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