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Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 12- दशमः त्वम् असि- Hindi Translation & English Translation

CBSE Ruchira Bhag 1 –Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 12- दशमः त्वम् असि– translation in Hindi (Hindi Anuvad), हिंदी अनुवाद, Hindi meaning, Hindi arth, Hindi summary, English Translation, and English Summary are provided here. That means, word meanings (शब्दार्थ:), अन्वयः, सरलार्थ, are given for the perfect explanation of Ruchira भाग 1 – Sanskrit Class 6 Chapter 12- दशमः त्वम् असि |

द्वादशः पाठः
दशमः त्वम् असि

Translation in Hindi & English (Meaning/Arth/Anuvad)

द्वादशः पाठः
दशमः त्वम् असि

एकदा दश बालका: स्नानाय नदीम् अगच्छन्। ते नदीजले चिरं स्नानम् अकुर्वन्। ततः ते तीर्त्वा पारं गता:। तदा तेषां नायक: अपच्छत्-अपि सर्वे बालकाः नदीम् उत्तीर्णाः? तदा कश्चित् बालकः अगणयत्-एक:, द्वी, त्रयः, चत्वार:, पञ्च, षट्, सप्त, अष्टौ, नव इति। सः स्वं न अगणयत्।

सरलार्थ: एक बार दश लड़के नहाने के लिए नदी को गए। वे लोग नदी जल में देर तक स्नान किए। तब वे तैर कर पार गए। तब उनका नायक पूछा -“क्या सभी लड़के नदी पार कर लिए ?” तब कोई लड़का गिना- एक दो तीन चार पाँच छः सात आठ नौ। वह स्वयं को नहीं गिना।

English Translation: Once 10 boys went to the river to bathe. They took a long bath in the river water. Then they swam and crossed. Then their leader asked – “Have all the boys crossed the river?” Then a boy was counted – one two three four five six seven eight nine. He did not count himself.

अत: सः अवदत्-नव एव सन्ति। दशम: न अस्ति। अपर: अपि बालक: पुनः अन्यान् बालकान् अगणयत्। तदा अपि नव एव आसन्। अतः ते निश्चयम् अकुर्वन् यत् दशम: नद्यां मग्नः। ते दुःखिता: तूष्णीम् अतिष्ठन्।

सरलार्थ: इसलिए वह बोला -“नौ ही हैं।” दसवाँ नहीं हैं। दूसरा बालक भी फिर से अन्य बालकों को गिना। तब भी नौ ही थे।इसलिए वे निश्चय किए कि दसवाँ नदी में डूब गया है। वे दुखी होकर चुपचाप खड़े हो गए।

English Translation: So he said – “There are only nine.” There is no tenth boy. The second boy also counted the other boys again. Even then there were only nine, so they decided that the tenth had drowned in the river. He stood silently sadly.

तदा कश्चित् पथिक: तत्र आगच्छत्। सः तान् बालकान् दुःखितान् दृष्ट्वा अपृच्छत्-बालकाः! युष्माकं दु:खस्य कारणं किम्? बालकानां नायकः अकथयत्-‘वय दश बालकाः स्नातुम् आगता:। इदानीं नव एव स्मः। एक: नद्या मग्न:’ इति।

सरलार्थ: तब कोई पथिक (यात्री) वहाँ आया वह उन बालकों को दुखी देखकर पूछा- “बालकों ! तुम्हारे दुःख का क्या कारण है?” बालकों का नायक (leader) बोला -“हमलोग दश बालक स्नान के लिए आए थे अब नौ ही हैं एक नदी में डूब गया है।

English Translation: Then a wanderer arrived. When he saw those unhappy boys, he asked, “Boys, what is the cause of your grief?” The leader of the boys stated – “We arrived to bathe the 10 boys. There are now only nine. One boy has drowned in a river.”

पथिक: तान् अगणयत्। तत्र दश बालकाः एव आसन्। सः नायकम् आदिशत् त्वं बालकान् गणय। स: तु नव बालकान् एव अगणयत् । तदा पथिक: अवदत्-दशम: त्वम् असि इति। तत् श्रुत्वा प्रहृष्टाः भूत्वा सर्व गृहम् अगच्छन्।

सरलार्थ: पथिक ने उनको गिना वहाँ दश बालक ही थे वह नायक को आदेश दिया- तुम बालकों को गिनो। तो वह नौ बालकों को ही गिना। तब पथिक बोला- “दसवाँ तुम हो”। वह सुनकर खुश होकर सभी घर को चले गए।

English Translation: The wanderer counted them. There were exactly ten boys. He told the leader – You count the boys again. So he counted only nine boys. Then the wanderer said – “You are the tenth”. He was happy to hear and all went to the house.

Lesson: Now, say me, How fool the leader was? Not only the leader but also his all friends were fools. Think. So, we have to make ourselves wise. That’s all. Thank you.


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Ruchira Bhag 1 + Hindi & English Translation of Sanskrit Class 6 Click below

Sanskrit Grammar Class 6


45 thoughts on “Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 12- दशमः त्वम् असि- Hindi Translation & English Translation”

  1. mujhe 1 or 2 mistakes mille but mujhe samajh aa raha hai tumhe problem hai to book se padh lo ya dusri website pe jao dont worry maketoss its fine

  2. Thank you a lot for the amazing Sanskrit to Hindi transition. I am easy to understand. Again thank you a lot


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